This is the book about free online personals.
– Red City Review
A compelling and entertaining read that delves deeply within the sexual psyche of people from all different walks of life through the filtered lens of internet personal ads, Free Love: True Stories of Love and Lust on the Internet by Thomas Kelleher is a revealing book that underscores how the search for affection affects everyone differently. This non-fiction book is set up into six different sections, every combination of the two genders (both heterosexual and homosexual), missed connections, and casual encounters. Within each section the original ad is displayed upon the page, followed by frank and honest interviews featuring the person who posted the ad, discussing what resulted from their foray into online personals, as well as various relationship advice and private disclosures. The ads themselves are brief, with usually only a paragraph or a few sentences of text, while the interviews afterwards run from one page to several. Regardless, all of the interviews featured have the power to affect the reader, whether it is due the illustrative sex described, or the harrowing accounts of rejection and the fear of being alone. While some of the stories detailed are emotional, others are amusing and humorous.
This is a great book for many reasons, not only is the content highly engaging and relatable, but the layout and organization that Kelleher has employed in putting this work together is also exceptional. In the print edition, the graphics, text, and spacing all fit appropriately with the material that is explored. Blurred images are placed as backdrops, emojis litter the pages, and large quotes frame each individual section. The internet has changed a lot of things, but what it has arguably changed the most is how people interact with other. This is an idea that is ever present in this book, as people from all different walks of life discuss the reasons for posting personal ads, whether it be for companionship, sex, friendship, or love. The book has a good balance of lighthearted and deep material for anyone interested in online dating. It also approaches a wide variety of different situations, therefore containing an interesting story for any reader. Free Love is the kind of book you can revisit again and again, reading portions at a time, talking with your friends about what you’ve discovered, which in turn will only cause you to wonder if you would ever do anything listed within the book’s pages. This is the book about free online personals.
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